CSSA VOL.76, September-October 2004 No.5 | |
The genus Dudleya Britton & Rose (Crassulaceae): its systematics and biology | Joachim Thiede |
William Russel Dudley | Julie Cain |
Looking for Dudleyas in the US | Julia Etter & Martin Kristen |
History of the Journal: Dudleya | D Russell Wagner |
Komodo Dragon of Dudleyas? A range extension and the case for gigantism in Dudleya candelabrum | Stephen Ward McCabe |
Terrestrial barnacles (hiding in plain sight) Dudleya pulverulenta | Steven Hammer |
Whence came Dudleya? | Charles H Uhl |
Dudleya cymosa | Kelly J Griffin |
Finding Dudleyas in Baia California | Julia Etter & Martin Kristen |
Dudleya, where art thou? Dudleya distribution map |
ISI dudleya offerings since 1958 |
Dudleya candida A chance encounter with the big form of D. brittonii, or is it the other way around? | Kelly J Griffin |
On the troubles with identifying dudleyas and telling the differences among D. brittonii, D. anthonyi and D. pulverulenta | Kelly J Griffin |
The rarest Dudleya species | Stephen Ward McCabe |
Growing dudleyas | Dylan P Hannon |
Notes on hardiness in Dudleya | Stephen Ward McCabe |
Dudleya gnoma `White Sprite' What do you do with a cultivar name if the species name changes? | Stephen Ward McCabe |
Dudleya growing in hot-summer climates | Leo Martin |
Succulents on Stamps Crassulaceae | Peg Spaete |
Further Reading |
Glossary |
On the cover. Framed by the remains of a cylindropuntia, Dudleya anthonyi finds home well-hidden in thick brush in the Socorro Canyon, Baja California Norte, Mexico. The strikingly farinose leaves and unusual size (38 cm across) attracted the attention of the photographers, Julia Etter and Martin Kristen, during the early stage of flowering in May.
This special issue of the journal is dedicated to Dudleya, a large genus in the Crassula family. Plants of this genus occur in a well-defined area between southern Oregon and the southern tip of the Baja peninsula, extending east only as far as Arizona. Most of the species have a small area of distribution and are known to hybridize readily (but, unlike the other North American Crassulaceae, only with other dudleyas). Their variability and hybridization make this genus difficult for taxonomic classification, Reid Moran, well-known expert on this genus, admits that more intensive study must to be conducted in order to clarify Dudleya nomenclature.
People interested in Dudleya soon find out that there are not many publications available, and quality illustrations of plants in their natural habitat are scarce. We hope our approach, with a strong focus on habitat, travel and horticulture makes for a compelling introduction to these fascinating plants. |