The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.78, September-October 2006 No.5
A dream fulfilled a first South African adventureSue Hakala
Cactus tips from a master growerElton Roberts
A new, yet introduced, species of Aloe from around Petra in JordanJohn J.Lavranos & Kerstin Koch
The diverse globose cactus community of Argentina's Sierras Chicas: Ecology and conservationDiego E Gurvich, Pablo Demajo & Melisa A Giorgis
Rosularia, the unknown hardy succulentPanayoti Kelaidis
A nice fameflower (Phemeranthus) from northern Coahuila, MexicoJonas Lüthy
Book Review: Teratopia, the world of cristate and variegated succulents by Gordon RowleyD Russell Wagner
Succulents on Stamps Cereus, Part 3Peg Spaete

On the cover. Ferocactus pilosus is among the largest of the genus. It can reach 3 m in height and clumps to form truly massive specimens. Most plants have bright red spines with bristlelike, white radials-a wonderful contrast-but some populations also boast yellow-spined individuals, and the white bristles are occasionally absent. Such variation has led to establishment of several names for this species. Widespread and common across the high desert plateau of central northern Mexico, it is most often seen on rocky limestone hillsides. Julia Etter and Martin Kristen captured this closeup showing the species' rather small, narrow flowers, which vary in color, much like the spines, between yellow and red.

CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories