CSSA VOL.83, July-Augist 2011 No.4 |
Tylecodon opelii, a new obligatory quartz-gravel species from the Northern Knersvlakte (Western Cape, South Africa) | E.J.Van Jaarsveld & Steven Hammer |
Ariocarpus fissuratus and other cacti at the Dog Canyon Trailhead, Big Bend | Root Gorekick |
Observations of the Chilean Opuntioideae Part III, Maihueniopsis | Fred Kattermann |
Portulacaceae in South Africa, with Reference to Anacampseros decapitata, a Recently Described Miniature Succulent Plant Species | Gideon F.Smith |
Two New Combinations in the genus Eulychnia (Cactaceae) | Paul Hoxey &Paul Klaassen |
Variations on a Theme: Copiapoa hypogaea | Elton Roberts |
On the cover Crossing the Andes between Chile and Argentina is always an experience, with spectacular scenery, especially on the Argentinean side. In October 2010 Paul Klaassen used the Paso de Jama to cross from San Pedro de Atacama to Susques and drove on to Maimara. The last stretch leads down the Cuesta de Lipan, an excellent paved road, Ruta Nacional 52, that winds itself down the Andes from 4,170 metres (13,680 ft) above sea level at Abra de Potrerillos to 2,192 metre altitude (7,192 ft) at Purmamarca in the Province of Jujuy. There is a spectacularly diverse range of cacti to be found, as various taxa have found a niche habitat at different altitudes. Here the light helps to create a dramatic setting for a stand of Echinopsis (Trichocereus) atacamensis ssp. pasacana. |