The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.84, March-April 2012 No.2
Some Arboreal Anthouse Plants of Australasia and the southwest Pacific.Derrick Rowe
Copiapoa algarrobensis; a new Copiapoa in Chile, discovered in October 1985.Fred Kattermann
The Huntington Botanical Garden Presents the 2012 Offering of International Succulent IntroductionsJohn N.Trager and Cody Coyotee Howard
The remarkable Boophone disticha (lL.f.)Herb. (Amaryllidaceae); survivor from the northern tropical savanna woodlands to the South African semi-arid KarooGraham Williamson
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
Observations of the Chilean OpuntioideaeFred Kattermann
Sulcolluma mirbatensis McCoy, an unique new species from the Sultanate of OmanTom. A. McCoy

On the cover Melocacti are deservedly popular amongst cactus growers. It is a genus of primarily tropical species, occurring in warm climates, often with elevated humidity and ample rainfall. M. ernestii is widespread in Brazil, recognized from as many as eight states. As expected with such a large distribution, there can be significant differences between populations. Illustrated are plants from a population with very long spines (up to 20-25 cm; 8-10 in) from near Jeguie, in the state of Bahia. Plants were growing in great abundance on a vertical rock wall. When plants are young the spines are strawcolored with pinkish to golden tones and pale banding. The spines of older plants in habitat become dark grayish. Seedlings from this population are available as ISI 2012-3, in this issue.

CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories