CSSA VOL.70, July/August1998 No.4 | |
Twenty five ways to look at Haworthia | Steven Hammer |
Haworthias in the veld | Mary Parisi |
An old new variant of Haworthia magnifica Poelln | Steven Hammer |
Haworthia-where and why confusion? | M.B.Bayer |
New nomenclatoral combinations in the Opuntia polyacantha complex | Bruce D.Parfitt |
Growing haworthias from leaves | Mary Parisi |
Haworthias and light | Steven Hammer |
A history of Haworthia. Part I | Stephen Holloway |
Haworthia 'Gerald Barad' | Rowena Southwell |
Correct names for some cultivated species of Adenium (Apocynaceae) | Paul I.Forster |
Villadia cucullata Rose and the new subsp. apiculata (Crassulaceae) | Reid Moran & Charles H. Uhl |
Hammeria, a new genus of Aizoaceae from South Africa | Priscilla M.Burgoyne, Gideon F.Smith & Pascale Chesselet |
Spotlight on Round Robins | Braden Engelke & Rita Fleischmann |
Cacti and Succulents for the Amateur | Duke Benadom |
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