The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.71, November/December 1999 No.6
Pediocactus - the not-so-plain "cactus of the plains". Part 2Fred Dortort
The name of EcheveriaReid Moran
Orostachys iwarengeReid Moran
Mac Clarke and Pat Fusaro receive the Superior Service AwardLarry W.Mitich
Pilososcereus occultiflorus P.J.Braun & Esteves - a magnificent new species of Cactaceae from BrazilPierre J.Braun
& Eddie Esteves Periera
Sedum meyranianum, a new species from Jalisco, MexicoJean Metzger
& Raul Acevedo Rosas
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
A new Arizona hybrid cholla, Opuntia xcampii (Cactaceae)Marc A.Baker & D.J.Pinkova
A second species of AcharagmaEdward F.Anderson
Some nomenclatural changes in the Cactaceae, subfamily OpuntioideaeEdward F.Anderson
Spotlight on Round RobinsBraden Engelke & Rita Fleischmann
Index for Volume 71 

CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories