The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA Haseltonia 14, 2008
From the EditorRoot Gorelick
Early cactus evolutionRoot Gorelick
The study of cactus evolution: The pre-DNA eraDetlev Metzing & Roberto Kiesling
Variations on a theme: Repeated evolution of succulent life forms in the Portulacineae (Caryophyllales)Reto Nyffeler, Urs Eggli. Matt Ogburn & Erika Edwards
Pereskia, Portulacaceae, photosynthesis, and phylogenies: Implications for early CactaceaeM Patrick Griffith
Investigating Pereskia and the earliest divergences in CactaceaeCharles Butterworth & Erika J Edwards
Pereskia, Maihuenia, and Blossfeldia - Taxonomic history, updates, and notesBeat Ernst Leuenberger
Opuntia fragilis: Taxonomy, distribution, and ecologyEric Ribbens
The opuntias of MississippiLucas C Majure & Gary N Ervin
Succulent plant diversity of the Sonoran islands, Gulf of California, MexicoBenjamin T Wilder, Richard S Felger ∓ Humberto Romero-Morales
Taxonomy and distribution of epiphytic cacti in Uruguay - Notes towards a checklist of Cactaceae of Uruguay, PartUrs Eggli, Eduardo Marchesi, Mauricio Bonificino & Reto Nyffeler
Macro- and micro-habitat characteristics of Kuenzler's hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus fendleri var kuenzleri)Ben C May, David B Wester, Carlton M Britton & Ty Bryson
Taxonomic history and status of the Coahuila Bishop's CapRichard R Montanucci
In vitro reversion of cephalial tissue to vegetative growth in Melocactus matanzanusTomasz P Wyka
Aloe arborescens (Asphodalaceae: Alooideae) and CITESGideon F Smith.. Ronell R Klopper & Neil R Crouch
Lectotypification of Adenium multiflorum Klotzsch (Apocynaceae)Joachim Thiede
Compendium of new taxa and new combinations from Cactus and Succulent Journal Volume 80 (January-December 2008)

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