Succulent Plants of the Little Karoo

by Frans Noltee


Succulent Plants of the Little Karoo

Frans Noltee who many of you will remember from when he ran his nursery in Holland has, since taking early retirement in 2001 been living, along with his wife, in Calitzdorp in South Africa. Who cannot envy them a retirement spent among their favourite plants? Being on tap has afforded them the opportunities to visit the habitats at optimum times, after rains, when the plants are flowering and everything is at its best.

Frans has produced a new CD of "Succulent plants of the Little Karoo" and very kindly sent me a copy to view and review.

It is intended mainly for two groups of people:

It is optimised for a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, with over 700 beautiful pictures of 240 species. Descriptions, scientific and common names are given for each species. I did miss not having the family name mentioned in a few cases and I will have to satisfy myself by going to other publications to find out those.

The CD has been put together over a period of time and the pictures taken at different times throughout the year and in varying conditions, some are in bright sunshine, others not; some in wet conditions, others in their resting state. Just a very few are taken in cultivation to illustrate what the flowers are like for instance.

There is no doubt that Frans is a good photographer, knows his plants well and has spent a lot of time putting this presentation together for us to enjoy.

The CD is priced at R195 + p&p

Euros from 17.50 + p&p to Euros 20.50 inc p&p depending which of his three agents you purchase from. Details are on his website at:



CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories