This new CD Rom is packed full of useful information for devotees of these choice cacti.
It contains well over 2,934 images, mostly of plants in habitat showing the full range of variations. Some of these were included on an earlier version of this CD rom but this one contains very much more, for example it has:
The disk comes with only the minimum of documentation and a shareware picture viewer to examine the files. This makes it a bit difficult finding your way around the disk unless your computer already has an array of tools for viewing, indexing and cataloging files. In particular the inclusion of the articles and books as scanned images rather than text files means that most users will not be able to search the text for references. I know that production of hyperlinked text ideal for computer viewing would have been a major task and would have probably put the cost of the disk outside the reach of most cactus growers, so it is probably the best that could have been acheived at the moment.
Some sample pictures, click on image for full size versions.
Navajoa fa.maia |
Pediocactus sileri |
Pediocactus simpsonii |
Toumeya papyracantha |
Sclerocactus nyensis |
Pediocactus nigrispinus |
Sclerocactus glaucus |
Sclerocactus whipplei |
Pediocactus knowltonii |
INTERNET Search results from HotBot ( for the keywords pediocactus and sclerocactus. In order to view them you need to load the files into an net-explorer. JPGVIEW Shareware program to view jpg-files. Run the file lview1b.exe from Windows. MISC -CACTI --DRAWINGS (---Fruits,---Seeds,---Spines) Line Drawings of fruits, seeds, and spines by Guenther Hentzschel --FIELDLIS (---Excel,---Txt) Fieldlists as MS-Excel- and text files. AM = Adolf Muehl FH = Fritz Hochstaetter GH = Gerhard Haslinger HK = Horst Kuenzler LNO = Lamar Orton LZ = Eberhard Lutz RP = Ralph Peters SB = Steven Brack --FLOWERS Close-ups of flowers. --LITERAT ---BCSJ ----BCJ1373 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), The Genus Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Part 1, British Cactus and Succulent Journal, 13, 73 ----BCJ14183 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), The Genus Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Part 3, British Cactus and Succulent Journal, 14, 183 ----BCJ1476 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), The Genus Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Part 2, British Cactus and Succulent Journal, 14, 76 ----BCJ1574 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), The Genus Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Part 4, British Cactus and Succulent Journal, 15, 74 ---BOOK1 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1989), An den Standorten von Pedio- und Sclerocactus - šber 100.000 km in der Wildnis Nordamerikas mit Beiträgen von Dr. Günther Hentzschel, Druckerei Steinhart GmbH, Titisee-Neustadt ---BOOK2 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1990), To the Habitats of Pedio- and Sclerocactus - over 100.000 km in the North American Wilderness, With supplementary scientific notes by Dr. Günther Hentzschel, Druckerei Steinhart GmbH, Titisee-Neustadt ---BOOK3 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), The Genus Sclerocactus Revised, Magnificent, Fascinating Natural Wonder, Wiesbadener Graphische Betriebe GmbH, Wiesbaden ---BOOK4 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), The Generea Pediocactus-Navajoa-Toumeya, Revised, In the shadow of the Rocky Mts., Druckbild GmbH, Titisee-Neustadt ---CACTFILE ----CF21221 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), The Genus Pediocactus (3), Cactus File, 2(12), 21 ----CF21013 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), The Genus Pediocactus (1), Cactus File, 2(10), 13 ----CF21114 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), The Genus Pediocactus (2), Cactus File, 2(11), 14 ---KAKBLUET ----1990 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1990), Sclerocactus wetlandicus sp. n., Kaktusblüte, 35 ----1991 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1991), Pediocactus simpsonii Br. & R., Kaktusblüte, 14 ----1993 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), Lewisia rediviva - Faszination im Steingarten, Kaktusblüte, 1993, 8 ----1997 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) Hunt ssp. nov., Kaktusblüte, 1997, 8 ---KAKTUSY ----KAK3388 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), Novy poddruh z Pueble Mountains Oregon, Kaktusy,33,88 ---KUAS ----KUA38100 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1987), šber die Vermehrung von Pedio- und Sclerokakteen durch Samen, Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, 38, 100 ----KUA39142 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1988), An den Wildstandorten von Pediocactus simpsonii (Engelmann) Britton & Rose var. Robustior (Coulter) L.Benson , Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, 39, 142 ----KUA46113 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), Die Gattung Navajoa , Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, 46, 113 ----KUA46173 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), Toumeya papyracantha (Engelmann) Britton & Rose, Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, 46, 173 ---PIANTEGR ----PIA1603 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), Revisione del genere Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Parte I, Piante Grasse, 16, 3 ----PIA16126 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), Revisione del genere Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Parte IV, Piante Grasse, 16,126 ----PIA1635 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), Revisione del genere Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Parte II, Piante Grasse, 16, 35 ----PIA1670 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), Revisione del genere Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Parte III, Piante Grasse, 16, 70 ----PIA17141 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), Revisione del genere Sclerocactus (Cactaceae) Parte V, Piante Grasse, 17,141 ----PIA17228 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), Sclerocactus whipplei (Engelmann & Bigelow) Britton & Rose subv.aztecia HOCHSTAETTER, Piante Grasse, 17,228 ---SUCCULEN ----SUC69169 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1990), Een herziening van de onderverdeling van Pediocactus simpsonii, Succulenta, 69, 169 ----SUC69178 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1990), Een herziening van de onderverdeling van Pediocactus simpsonii, Succulenta, 69, 178 ----SUC69266 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1990), Een herziening van de onderverdeling van Pediocactus simpsonii, Succulenta, 69, 266 ----SUC71247 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1992), Het geslacht Sclerocactus Een Revisie 1, Succulenta, 71, 247 ----SUC7199 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1992), Pediocactus in het noordwesten van de VS, Succulenta, 71, 99 ----SUC72137 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), Het geslacht Sclerocactus Een Revisie 4, Succulenta, 72, 137 ----SUC72187 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), Het geslacht Sclerocactus Een Revisie 5, Succulenta, 72, 187 ----SUC7219 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), Het geslacht Sclerocactus Een Revisie 2, Succulenta, 72, 19 ----SUC72256 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), Lewisia rediviva, Succulenta, 72, 256 ----SUC7282 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1993), Het geslacht Sclerocactus Een Revisie 3, Succulenta, 72, 82 ----SUC73131 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1994), Revisie van het geslacht Pediocactus 1, Succulenta, 73, 131 ----SUC73143 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1994), Sclerocactus spinosior, Succulenta, 73, 143 ----SUC73204 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1994), Revisie van het geslacht Pediocactus 2, Succulenta, 73, 204 ----SUC734 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1994), Pediocactus bradyi, een revisie 1, Succulenta, 73, 4 ----SUC7355 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1994), Pediocactus bradyi, een revisie 2, Succulenta, 73, 55 ----SUC74136 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), Nieuwe combinaties in het geslacht Sclerocactussen 2, Succulenta, 74, 136 ----SUC74176 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), Revisie van het geslacht Pediocactus 3, Succulenta, 74, 176 ----SUC7438 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1995), Nieuwe combinaties in het geslacht Sclerocactussen, Succulenta, 74, 38 ----SUC75256 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1996), Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) Hunt ssp. navajoensis ssp. nov., Succulenta, 75, 256 ----SUC76124 HOCHSTÄTTER F, (1997), Pediocactus simpsonii ssp. idahoensis, Succulenta, 76, 124 --MAPS A few distribution maps of Pedio- and Sclerocactus in the US. More maps can be found in the books: book2: pages 24,26,28,30,33,34,36,37,43,44,48,57,58,59,61,63,66,67,69, 71,73,74,75,79,81,82,84,88 book3: pages 44 book4: pages 15,32,37,55,78,145,151 --REM_PICT Raster Electron Microscope pictures of Pedio and Scleroseeds. REM-Pictures can also be found in the books: book1: pages 134...142 book2: pages 140...150 book3: pages 106...110 book4: pages 114...119 -IND_ART.FH Some examples of Indian Art. -PEOPLE.FH Pictures of people interested in Scleros and Pedios. -SCENERY.FH Landscape pictures from the Western US. For details see textfiles in the various subdirectories. OTHERPLA Pictures of Agave (-Agave.fh). Coryphantha spec. (-Coryphan.fh), Echinocactus (-Echcactu.fh), Echinocereus (Echinoce.fh), Echinomastus (-Emastus.fh), Mammillaria (-Mammilla.fh), Opuntia (-Opuntia.fh), and Yucca (Yucca.fh). PEDIOCAC Pictures of Pediocactus spec. Species Pictures in Subdirectory ===================================================================== P. bradyi ssp bradyi Pediocac\bradyi\bradyi P. bradyi ssp despainii Pediocac\bradyi\despaini P. bradyi ssp winklerii Pediocac\bradyi\winkleri P. knowltonii Pediocac\knowlton P. nigrispinus Pediocac\nigrispi P. nigrispinus ssp beastonii Pediocac\nigrispi\beastoni P. nigrispinus ssp puebloensis Pediocac\nigrispi\puebloen P. paradinei Pediocac\paradine P. sileri Pediocac\sileri P. simpsonii ssp simpsonii Pediocac\simpsoni P. simpsonii ssp bensonii Pediocac\simpsoni\bensoni P. simpsonii ssp idahoensis Pediocac\simpsoni\idahoens P. simpsonii ssp indranus Pediocac\simpsoni\indranus P. simpsonii ssp robustior Pediocac\simpsoni\robustio P. simpsonii fa. acklinii Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\acklinii P. simpsonii fa. campestris Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\campestr P. simpsonii fa. dinosauriensis Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\dinosaur P. simpsonii fa. flaminggorgensis Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\flamingg P. simpsonii fa. flinspachii Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\flinspac P. simpsonii fa. kuenzleri Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\kuenzler P. simpsonii fa. montanensis Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\montanen P. simpsonii fa. muehlii Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\muehlii P. simpsonii fa. sandiamontana Pediocac\simpsoni\forma\sandiamo P. spec. Pediocac\simpsoni\spec SCLEROCAC Pictures of Sclerocactus spec. Species Pictures in Subdirectory ===================================================================== S. glaucus Scleroca\glaucus S. mesae verde Scleroca\mesaeve S. nyensis Scleroca\nyensis S. parviflorus ssp. parviflorus Scleroca\parviflo\parviflo S. parviflorus ssp. havasupaiensis Scleroca\parviflo\havasupa S. parviflorus fa. terrae-canyonae Scleroca\parviflo\terraeca S. parviflorus fa. variiflorus Scleroca\parviflo\variiflo S. parviflorus fa. macrospermus Scleroca\parviflo\macrospe S. polyancistrus Scleroca\polyanci S. pubispinus Scleroca\pubispin S. spec Scleroca\spec S. spinosior Scleroca\spinosio S. spinosior ssp. blainei Scleroca\spinosio\blainei S. wetlandicus ssp. wetlandicus Scleroca\wetlandi S. wetlandicus ssp. ilsae Scleroca\wetlandi\ilsae S. whipplei ssp. whipplei Scleroca\whipplei S. whipplei ssp. busekii Scleroca\whipplei\busekii S. whipplei subv. aztecia Scleroca\whipplei\aztecia S. wrightiae Scleroca\wrightia NAVAJOA Pictures of Navajoa spec. Species Pictures in Subdirectory ===================================================================== N. peeblesiana ssp. peeblesiana Navajoa\peeblesi\ N. peeblesiana ssp. fickeisenii Navajoa\fickeise N. peeblesiana fa. maia Navajoa\peeblesi\maia N. peeblesiana fa. menzelii Navajoa\peeblesi\menzelii TOUMEYA Pictures of Toumeya papyracantha IMPORTANT ========= Usually, there are pictures of more than one population from a species. Therefore the above directories contain further subdirectories whoes names should reflect the corresponding field number. The extensions of the names indicate the photographers of the pictures. Photographers: Bill Beaston (BB) Dixie Dringman (DD) Horst Kuenzler (HK) Adolf Muehl (AM) Lamar Orton (LNO) Ralph Peters (RP), Here are few examples: Directory fh37.fh pictures of population fh 37, photos by Fritz Hochstaetter fh38_1.fh pictures of population fh 38.1, photos by Fritz Hochstaetter fh63_1_7.fh pictures of population fh 63.1.7, photos by Fritz Hochstaetter fh69_118.fh pictures of population fh, photos by Fritz Hochstaetter pictures of population fh 28.2, photos by Adolf Muehl pictures of population AM 597, photos by Adolf Muehl pictures of population GH 91B0705, photos by Adolf Muehl SB504.rp pictures of population SB 504, photos by Ralph Peters The name of a picture itself also reflects the field number of the population. Example: Pictures in the directory fh63_1_7.fh are fh6317_1.jpg fh6317_2.jpg fh6317_3.jpg, where the number after the _ is just a picture number. Special thanks go to William Acklin, Bill Beaston (BB), Josef Busek, Dixie Dringman (DD), Mike Flinspach, Miloslav Hajek, Gerhard Haslinger (GH), Guenther Hentzschel, Chris Holland, Horst Kuenzler (HK), Juergen Menzel, Adolf Muehl (AM), Lamar Orton (LNO), Ralph Peters (RP), Steffen Schluff, Rick Thompson, Loren Wells, and Heber Zollinger for their support and/or for adding of their pictures. Mannheim, Wien, November 1997 CD, Copyright Fritz Hoechstaetter, all rights reserved. Proction and layout: Adolf Muehl