Society Meeting 2008
(including the 47th Annual General Meeting)
Our 2008 Society meeting will be held at 2:30pm on Sunday 18th May 2008 at the Binley Woods Village Hall.
Three Talks with emphasis on cultivation, illustrated with live plants, by Alasdair Glen, Bill Maddams and Mike Stansbie
To be followed by a Question and Answer Session
Binley Woods is on the eastern outskirts of Coventry.
The focus will be to encourage audience participation, so please put this date in your diary as it promises to be an interesting and interactive afternoon.
At 5pm, the Society will hold its 47th Annual General Meeting, for which, in accordance with Society Rules, nominations are required for the Offices of Chairman, Secretary and Membership Secretary. Written nominations bearing the signatures of proposer and seconder and the consent of the nominee should be sent to the Honorary Secretary not less than sixty days prior to the Annual General Meeting, that is by 19th March 2008. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies a postal ballot will be held of members.
For details of the 2007 Annual Society Meeting please follow this link.