Mammillaria of the
for previous Mamms of the Month)
Mammillaria compressa ssp. centralifera

Mammillaria compressa ssp. centralifera CD12/485, west of Cerritos, SLP. Copyright Chris
Davies 2013
Mammillaria compressa ssp. centralifera differs from the species,
seen here last month, because of the presence of long central spines,
usually one, sometimes two, and is more northerly distributed. It is
found in Queretaro, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas. The photo above was
taken last year in habitat, and clearly shows the long central spine,
and the greater amount of axillary wool of this subspecies.
It has the
same variable characteristics of the species, readily offsetting
and growing steadily, perhaps not quite as large clumps either. It
will fill a large pot or
pan in time however, so space is needed if it is to show of its best..
The spines vary in length, usually
chalky white with brown tips, with 4 or 5 radial spines and 1 or 2
cental spines, often curved and to 6cm long in some clones.
It also has bristles from
the axil, and frequently wool as well, sometimes quite masking the bristles.
It flowers quite readily, and bright
purple-pink rings around each head make this species a beautiful one at
flowering time, which is usually May to June.