The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

Cactus Books for sale at Friday 7 February

Beitrag zur Kenntnis der peruanischen Kakteenvegetation by Werner Rauh Botanisches Institut der Universitält Heidelberg
With 254 Illustrations, Heidelberg 1958 Springer Verlag Very rare, few of these were printed and most went to University libraries


The Genus Conophytum : A Conograph by Steven A Hammer, Succulent Plant Publications Pretoria, 1993 (Numbered edition 1492, signed by the author) ISBN 0-620-17633-4, 283pp, hundreds of colour illustrations.


Lithops : Flowering Stones by Desmond T Cole, Acorn Books, 1988 (Numbered Subscribers edition 479) ISBN 0-620-09678-0, 254pp, hundreds of colour illustrations.



The Cactaceae N.L.Britton and J.N.Rose Volume 2, 1st Edition 1920, The Carnegie Institute of Washington. This is the rare First Edition with coloured plates, 239pp, 40 plates 12" x 10" Good Condition. Full sets of all four volumes sell for around £1,500



The Cactaceae N.L.Britton and J.N.Rose Volume 4, 1st Edition 1923, The Carnegie Institute of Washington. This is the rare First Edition with coloured plates, 318pp, 37 plates 12" x 10" Good Condition. Full sets of all four volumes sell for around £1,500



Cactus Basics by Suzanne & Tony Mace 128 pp full colour.
ISBN 0-600-61468-9
A pyramid paperback from Hamlyn - Good beginner's book.


Conophytum Hand Book - Cultivated in Japan : Japan Conophytum Society 1995. Paperback 128pp full colour, 575 pictures, 10" x 7", Crease on back cover - otherwise good condition.


Mesembryathema - Brown, Tischer and Karsten, Reeve & Co, 1931. hardback, 321pp, mainly black and white pictures, hardback, book in good condition but paper wrapper trorn and fragmentory.


Ericas in Southern Africa by H.A.Baker and E.G.H.Oliver, Purnell 1967. Fine Illustrated work 350pp 112 in full colour with beautiful line drawings



CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories