Nationally Based Cactus Societies

Many countries have one or more Cactus and Succulent Societies. WWW pages are available for some of them. Membership varies from the largest which is based in Germany to small but very active groups such as in Malta. Most of the larger societies are experiencing serious decline in membership. Most groups produce journals from the monthly German journal, bimonthly USA journal, quarterly UK journal to more infrequent and informal newsletters. Other activities include shows, lectures and conventions.
To give some idea of the relative size and activity of the National Groups here is an estimate of their current memberships:
- Argentina 100
- Australia 500 (Several Societies)
- Austria 1,000
- Belgium 2,500
- Brazil 100
- Canada 500
- Cyprus 160
- Czechoslovakia 3,000 (More members of some 100 local clubs)
- Denmark 300
- France 2,000
- Germany 6,000
- Greece 160
- Holland 2,000
- Hungary 800
- India 400
- Israel 150
- Italy 2,500
- Malta 120
- New Zealand 400
- Norway 50
- Japan 850 (Around 1,500 members of local clubs)
- Peru (Around 200)
- Russia 400 (many more before the break-up of the USSR)
- Slovenia 120
- Sweden 150
- Switzerland 1,000
- UK 3,000
- USA 2,500 (Around 4,000 members of local clubs)
- Vietnam 1,500 (in individual clubs)
There are also active groups in South Africa, Mexico and a number of other East European counties for which we have no data. If anyone can send us information on their groups we would be pleased to add to this list.