The cactus and succulent plant mall (CSPM) is an Internet resource for all growers of cacti and succulents. It is regularly updated with information on cactus and succulent societies and suppliers of plants, seeds and literature on cacti and succulents. The CSPM has developed and hosts webpages for cactus and succulent organisations worldwide (230 domains + 52 web sites within + 131 advertisers). It also aims to maintain as complete a list of web pages and other cactus and succulent related Internet facilities as possible. The CSPM is maintained by Suzanne and Tony Mace. We regret that our work load has grown to the point where we can no longer answer individual cultivation or identification questions. We recommend you ask these in the British Cactus Society Forum.
The CSPM includes the official webpages for a number of the national Cactus and Succulent Societies, websites for many specialist groups, local clubs, nurseries and sustainable landscape development all over the world.
On these pages you can find information about their publications, local groups and other activities. If you want your page indexed on the CSPM please give us the details. If you know of a link which is not in our current lists we will be very pleased if you can tell us about it. If you are responsible for any of the resources listed on our site and change the address please let us know. If you find any links not working please alert us.
Before requesting plant or seed lists PLEASE READ the notes on our nursery page. Many cacti and succulents are CITES listed plants and cannot be mailed internationally without licences and extensive official documentation which few organisations are willing or able to supply. Please also note that CACTUS-MALL.COM is a web hosting company NOT a Nursery. We have a dedicated high performance server which currently hosts 227 domains including 216 related to cacti and succulents. This portal attracts more than 100,000 vistors per month and the server more than 600,000 so this is the place to host your webpages or advertise if you want to maximise your traffic. We invite you to join us. You can check out more gardening articles on the Green Pinky.
Some of the hosted domains: