The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
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Alpines, Bonsai, Bromeliads, Bulbs, Palms, Cycads and Carnivorous Plants


While for the most part these are not succulent plants, many cacti and succulent growers are interested in some or all of them and some of the suppliers on the Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall include their seeds and plants in their listings. We are not here attempting to provide and exhaustive list, but to indicate good starting points for you to find further information.

Palms and Cycads

While not succulent plants we find that a lot of Cactus and Succulent growers are also interested in these plants. A good place to start looking for Cycad information is the Cycad Society website. See also Diana Pederson's page.

Palm plants and seed & seedlings for sale.

Some nurseries specialising in the them are:
Looking for the freshest Palm seed? Order while still on the tree at


A number of alpines such as Sedums, Sempervivums, Lewisias are succulents and succulent plant growers are frequently attracted by the non-succulent species as well. Excellent starting points for Rock Garden links are the web page of the Mt Tahoma Rock Garden Society and The Alpine Garden in the UK.

Here are some nurseries and societies specialising in Alpines:


Carnivorous Plants

A good starting place for Carnivorous Plants is Stefan P Wolf's Carnivorous Plant bookshop. Not only does he have a very good booklist but also a good list of links to other internet carnivorous plant websites. Also check out the webpages of the International Carnivorous Plant Society. There is a parallel mailing list to cacti_etc on the same Hewlett-Packard server. To join this send the usual subscribe message (subscribe cp [your name] to


The following links are good starting points for Bromeliad information on the internet: Tillandsia Nursery


Rare & Exotic Plants

Carnivorous Plants
on eBay :

Bonsai Trees
on eBay :
