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List of Periodicals Devoted to Succulent Plants (1-99)![]() [ HOME ] [ 1 - 99 ] [ 100 -199 ] [ 200 - 299 ] [ 300 - 399 ] [ 400 - 480 ] 1. Acta Succ. Acta Succulentologica. (Japan): Cactus and Succulent Society of Nippon. No. 70 (1941) - No. 87 (1943). Preceded by Shaboten (Cact. Succ. Soc. Japan), followed by Cactus (Kushimoto). 2. Affillate Reporter. See Cact. Succ. J. (US), Aff. Rep. 3. Agave. Quarterly Magazine of the Desert Botanical Garden. Phoenix (USA): Desert Botanical Garden. 1 (1983) +, quarterly. Only in part dealing with succulents. ZSS. 4. Aid for Cactuslovers. See Help Cact. Friend. 4a. Albaflora Journal of the Hungarian Cactus Society 5. Aloe. Journal of the South African Aloe and Succulent Society. Tydskrif van die S. A. Aalwyn en Vetplantvereniging. Pretoria (RSA): 1 (1963) +, quarterly (later vols. somewhat irregular and some with reduced number of issues, no issues published in 1981). 5a. The Amateurs' Digest Sidney (BC, Canada) 1989+ Bimonthly ISSN 1199-0791 A-25. Amer. Cact. Month Club (Bull.).American Cactus of the Month Club (Bulletin). American Cactus of the Month Club, Altadena, Calif., U.S.A. 19..? Bimonthly; no volume or part numbers. I have a set from 1980 to 1982. Still published? 6. Anacampseros. Australian National [Cactus and Succulent] Journal. Gawler (S.Australia): Succulent Publications of South Australia Inc. 'Introductory issue' 1983, titled 'Australian National Journal'; 1 (1984/85)+, quarterly. Series concluded with Vol.6 No.4 A-53. TheAperiodic Journal of Pataphysical Succulentosophy Xexoxial Editions, Xexoxial Endarchy, 1341 Williamson St., Madison, WI 53703, USA. Ed. A. Hardiker & P. Glim. Volume One 1988; A5; nothing further so far. For review see Brit. Cact. Succ. J.9: 101, 1991. 7. Arbeitsmater. ZAG Echinopseen. Arbeitsmaterial der Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Echinopseen". Gotha (DDR): Kulturbund der DDR, Zentraler Fachausschuss Kakteen/Sukkulenten, ZAG Echinopseen. 1982+, yearly-irregular (vol. for 1982 only published in 1983). 8. Arizona Cact. Arizona Cactus. (USA): Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. 1932 - 1938, no data available. (GDR). A-26. Asclepiad Soc. Newslett. Asclepiad Society Newsletter. The Asclepiad Society, Collinston, Louisiana, U.S.A. 1974-1975. Monthly from Nov.1974, to Oct. 1975, numbered 1-12. As far as I remember this is a complete set; if there were later issues they are in boxes of unsorted papers. I have correspondence with the Editor confirming the end of publication, but not to hand. 9. Asclepiadaceae. Div. loc.(GB): International Asclepiadaceae Society. 1974/75 - 1980/81, issues numbered consecutively from 1-22, without volumation. Quarterly up to 1977/78, then 3 issues per subscription period. ISSN 0141-7861. Followed by Asklepios. 10. Ashingtonia. Ashington (GB): Holly Gate Nurseries & Ashington Reference Collection. 1 (1973/75) - 3 (1979), bimonthly, later irregular (vol.1 with 12, vol.2 with 10 and vol.3 with 6 issues). ISSN 0309-1120. 11. Asklepios. Burgess Hill (GB): International Asclepiadaceae Society. No. 23 (1981) +, nos. numbered consecutively, without volumation. 3 issues per subscription period. ISSN 0260-9533. Preceded by Asclepiadaceae. 12. Auckland Branch Newslett. Auckland Branch Newsletter. Auckland (New Zealand). Floruit 1972. Zöpf. 13. Australlan National Journal. See Anacampseros. 14. Aztekia. Praha (CSSR): Klub Kaktusaru. 1 (1978)+, irregularly (1978 2 issues; 1979 3 issues; 1980 1 issue; 1981 3 issues; 1982 3 issues and 1 yearbook; 1983 2(?) issues, both numbered as 'No.1'). 15. Baltimore Cact. J. Baltimore Cactus Journal. Baltimore (USA): Baltimore Cactus Society. 1 (1894/95) - 2 (1895/96). Vol. 1 with 12, vol.2 with 20 issues, totalling to 301 pp. in 22 issues between July 1894 and April 1896. See CSJA 55(6): 255 (1983). Cactus (Paris), 13(58);67, reports a reimpression at Pasadena, 1946 (Nos. 1-2 seen, published as part of CSJA in 1946). Followed by Sharon Cact. Guide. 16. Barrow Branch Newslett. Barrow Branch Newsletter. Barrow-in-Furness (GB): Barrow Branch, NCSS. 1971+, monthly, without volumation. A-1. Beaver Tale. The Beaver Tale. Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Southern Nevada. FI. 1985 (See CSSA Newslett. 1985, p. 88). 17. Beitr. Sukk.-Kunde Pflege. Beiträge zur Sukkulentenkunde und -pflege. Berlin (D) : Deutsche Kakteengesellschaft. 1938-1943, 3 issues yearly except for 1943 (1 issue only), without volumation. 18. Bibilographia Succulentarum. See Succ. Bibliogr. A-27. Birmingham Branch News. Birmingham Branch, National Cact. Succ. Soc., U.K. 1976+ One issue 1976, then 2 issues p.a. from 1977, numbered consecutively. 19. Blätt. Kakt.-Forsch. Blatter für Kakteenforschung. Volksdorf (D): Ed. C.Backeberg. 1 (1934) - 5 (1938), monthly (except vol.5 with 6 issues only). Parts 5:4-5, 1938 as 'Kulturteil Sonderlieferung'. Parts to be assembled according to a code system. Month and year of publication is indicated on each page. Alternative titles: Bulletin of Cactus Research, Publicaties voor Cactus-Studie, Feuilles pour l'étude des cactees. Each contribution normally in German, Dutch, English and French. 20. Blatt. Sukk.-Kunde. Blätter für Sukkulentenkunde. Volksdorf (BRD): Ed. C. Backeberg. 1(1949), only 1 issue (8 pp.) published. 21. Blüh. Kakt. Blühende Kakteen. Neudamm/Berlin (D): Deutsche Kakteengesellschaft (Ed. K.Schumann, M.Gürke and F.Vaupel). 3 vols., published in 45 parts between 1900 and 1916 (continuation indicated in preface to vol.3 has not been published). Alternative title: Iconographia Cactacearum. Reprinted in black and white by S.Haselton as part of CSJA; C. 1949-50 (only p1. 1-31, with additional notes on correct classification). Reprinted 1982+ in colour by DKG-Ortsgruppe Würzburg (Würzburg branch of the German Cact. Soc.) (vol.1 issued in 5 parts in 1982/83). 22. Blüh. Kakt. and. Sukk. Pfl. Blühende Kakteen und andere sukkulente Pflanzen. Leipzig/Neudamm(D): Verlag J. Neumann (ed. E.Werdermann). Parts 7-42, 1932-1939. Each part contains a number of coloured plates and text pages. Preceded by Blüh. Sukk. 23. Blüh. Sukk. Blühende Sukkulenten. Leipzig/Neudamm (D): Verlag J.Neumann (ed. E.Werdermann). Parts 1-6, 1930-1931. Each part contains a number of coloured plates and text pages. Followed by Blüh. Kakt. and. Sukk. Pfl. 24. Bol. Inform. Boletin Informativo. Buenos Aires (Argentina): Circulo de Coleccionistas de Cactus de Ia Republica Argentina (ed. N.A.Serrano). 1(1966)+, quarterly. Probably already started earlier. Last issue seen is 13(2), 1978. Vol. 1 was reprinted, date unknown. A number of separate publications (small leaflets) have been issued by the same society. GDR. 25. Bradford Branch Bulletin. See Bull. Bradford Branch. 26. Bradleya. Yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society. Botley(GB). 1 (1983)+, yearly. ISSN 0265-086x. 27. Bristol Cact. Soc. Newslett. Bristol Cactus Society Newsletter. Bristol (GB). 1971+, monthly. 28. British Cact. Succ. J. British Cactus and Succulent Journal. (GB): British Cactus and Succulent Socipty. 1 (1983) +, quarterly. ISSN 0264-3405. Preceded by the 2 separate periodicals Cact. Succ. J.Gr. Brit. and Nat. Cact. Succ. J. 29. Bull. African Succ. Plant Soc. Bulletin of the African Succulent Plant Society. London(GB): Ed. C.Parr. 1966- 1977, Publication ceased in 1977 with vol. 12. 1(1966/7)- 9(1974/5) bimonthly; 10(1975/6)5 issues; 11(1976/7)4 issues; 12(1977)1 issue. 30. Bull. Bradford Branch.Bulletin of the Bradford Branch. Shipley (GB): Bradford Branch, NCSS. 1(1963)-6(1968), quarterly. Also titled Bradford Branch Bulletin. 31. Bulletin des Cacteophiles Belges. See Cactus (Gent). 32. Bulletin of Cactus Research. See Blätt. Kakt.-Forsch. 33. Bull. Cact. Succ. Soc. Australia. Bulletin of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia. Melbourne (Australia). 1 (1949) - 6 (1952). Preceded and followed by Spine. GDR. A-28. Bull. (Central Cact. Agency). Bulletin. Central Cactus Agency, Wellingborough, U.K. 1963-1964. Monthly, from Sep. 1963 to Aug.1964. Issues dated, no volumation. 34. Bulletin of the Christchurch Cactus and Succulent Society. See Cactochat. 35. Bulletin of the Detroit Cactus and Succulent Society. See Spinal Column (Detroit) 36. Bulletin of the Echinocereanae Society. See Echinocereanae. 37. Bull. Egyptian Soc. Cact. Amat. Bulletin of the Egyptian Society of Cactus Amateurs. Cairo (Egypt). Nos. 1-3 (1941), no more published? GDR. (Other sources report publication of 3 nos, in 1943 only.) 38. Bulletin of the El Paso Cactus and Rock Club. See El Paso Cact. Rock Club Bull. 39. Bull. Epiphyllum Soc. America. Bulletin of the Epiphyllum Society of America. Pasadena (USA). 1 (1945/46) +, 5 issues yearly. Cactus (Paris), 13(58): 7, reports start with vol. 1 in 1954/55 and bimonthly publication. 40. Bulletin d'Information de la Section de l'Anjou de l'Association Française des Amateurs de Cactees et Plantes Grasses. See Cact. Anjou. 41. Bulletin of the Kettering Branch. See Kettering Kaktus. 42. Bull. Liaison Amis Pl. Serres Accl. Bulletin de Liaison des Amis des Plantes de Serres et d'Acclimatation. Bruxelles (B): Amis des Plantes de Serres et d'Acclimatation. No. 1 (1973) - No.9 (1975), 3 issues yearly. Probably issued by the same society as Cactus (Bruxelles). 43. Bulletin of the London Branch. See London Branch Bull. 44. Bull. Natal Cact. Succ. Soc. Bulletin of the Natal Cactus and Succulent Society. Durban (Natal). 1 (1957) - 2 (1958), 3-4 without indication of year, 5 (1962), 6 (1965), yearly. See Newslett. Natal Cact. Succ. Club for another publication by this society. 44? (210,296). Natal Cact. Succ. Club J. Natal Cactus and Succulent Club Journal. 1957-1965. This title is correct and appears an every issue; the word "Bulletin" does not appear on any issue. Only five issues appeared, as follows: vol. 1 no. 1(1957); vol. 2 no. 1(1958); vol. 3 no. 1(1962); no volume, part number or date, issued July 1963; no volume, part number or date (but Editorial dated 2 Aug.1965), issued Oct. 1965. 45. Bull. Sacramento Cact. Succ. Soc. Bulletin of the Sacramento Cactus and Succulent Society. Sacramento (USA). 1 (1960)+, monthly. 46. Bulletin semestriel de la Société des Amis des Cactees et Plantes Grasses de Monaco. See Monaco Cactus. 47. Bull. South. California Cact. Exchange. Bulletin of the Southern California Cactus Exchange. Los Angeles (USA). 1 (1936) -10 (1942), no further data available. 48. Cactaceae (DKG). Jahrbücher der Deutschen Kakteengesellschaft. Neudamm/Berlin (later Glückstadt) (D): Verlag Neumann on behalf of the Deutsche Kakteengesellschaft. 1937 - 1943/44, no volumation. Preceded by Jahrb. Deutsche Kakt.-Ges. 49. Cactaceae (Long Beach). Long Beach(USA): Long Beach Prickly Pears. 1935 (February), only 1 no. published, data incomplete. 50. Cactaceae [etc]. See Cact. [etc]. A-54. Cactaceae etc. - Bratislava (CSSR). Vol.11 No.1, 1991+. A5, quarterly. Continuation of Kaktusy Sukulenty, q.v. 51. Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas. See Cact Suc. Mex. 52. Cactea. Revista mensile per coltivalori, commercianti, amatori e collezionisti. Ventimiglia (1): Agenzia Floreale Ligure. 1 (1934)+? (Nos. 1-9 apparently published between April and December 1934, each with 16 pp.). [Piante Grasse 4(4): pagine blu: 43, 1984; Battaia, pers. comm.]. 53. Cacti. Rotorua (New Zealand): Rotorua Branch, Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand. 1 (1964), 11 issues; 2 (1965), 7 issues. GDR. A-55. Cacti. Other Succ. Cacti & Other Succulents - The Newsletter for and by Amateur Hobbyists everywhere. Ed. M. Welham, Sidney BC, Canada. 4to., bimonthly, first issue Apr.1989 untitled. After Vol.2 No.2 July 1990 format changed to B5. From Vol.3 No.4 Nov. 1991 title adds: ".. and Caudex Plants". From Vol.4 No.5 Jan.1993 title becomes "The Amateurs' Digest. Cacti - Other Succulents - Caudex Plants". Series indudes additionally ,Photo Supplement 1992' and ,1993 Special Edition'. 54. Cactochat. Bulletin of the Christchurch Cactus and Succulent Society. Christchurch (New Zealand). 1 (1959)+, 11 issues yearly (monthly according to Zöpf). 55. Cactofilo. Revista de Cactus-Club de Espana. (Spain) led. G.Stuebing. No.0 (1973), No. 1 (1974), final notice (1975), no more published. GDR. 56. Cactography. National City/San Diego (USA): Alegria Association (ed. C.Orcutt). 1:1 (1906) - 1:3 (1912), data incomplete. [Cactus (Paris), 13(58): 8 reports publication between 1912 and 1913.]. 57. Cactominga. Wanganui (New Zealand): The Wanganui Cactus and Miniature Garden Society. 1 (1957) - 6 (1962), monthly. 58. Cactophile (Bristol). Bristol (GB): Bristol Cactus and Succulent Society. 1 (1960/61), only 4 nos. published. Full title 'The Cactophile'. 59. Cactophiles (Rouen). Rouen (F): Ed. G.Decormeille. 1941 (4 nos.), 1942 (2 nos.). Full title 'Les Cactophiles'. 60. Cactophiles Cactivities. Monthly Bulletin of the Colorado cactophiles. Denver (USA). 1 (1962) - 5 (1966) monthly vols probably not numbered. 1965-66 added sub-title The Cactus Newspaper. Continued as Colorado Cact. Cactiv. 61. Cactos y Succulentos. See Cact. Succ. 62. Cactulent. London(GB): The London Cactus Club. 1 (1949/50) -18 (1966), monthly (except for vols. 15-17 with 4 nos only). 63. Cactus [etc]. See Cact. [etc]. 64. Cactus in Japanese periodical titles. See also Shaboten and compound titles. 65. Cactus (Antwerpen etc). Antwerpen (B)/ Bruxelles (B)/ Den Haag (NL): Published jointly by Cactusweelde (B), Dodonaeus (B), and Succulenta (NL). A French edition (sub-title Revue pour amateurs de Cactacées et autres Succulentes, ed. P.Bourdoux, Bruxelles) and a Dutch edition (sub-title Tildschrift voor Liefhebhers van Cactussen en andere Succulenten, ed. E.van Hoofstadt, Wijnegem; not seen) have been published simultaneously. 1 (1969)-7 (1975), monthly, later bimonthly. Later vols. jointly published with additional societies. Dutch ed. preceded by Tildschr. mt. Succ.-Liefhebb. Split in two independent parts in 1976, see Cactus (Bruxelles) for the French continuation, Cactus (Wijnegem etc) for the Dutch continuation. 66. Cactus (Bruxelles). Bruxelles (B): Association Francaise pour Amateurs de Plantes de Serres et d'Acclimatation (ed. P.Bourdoux). Vol.1 No.1 Janvier-Fevrier 1976 misdated "1975". +, bimonthly. Vols. 1-2 published privately by P.Bourdoux, 3+ by APSA. Series concluded with Vol.8 No.6 Novembre-Decembre 1984. Preceded by Cactus (Antwerpen etc). 67. Cactus (Gent). Gent (B): Cerde des Cacteophiles Belges. 1 (1931) - 11:1 (1941), bimonthly (except vol.6 with 7 nos. and vol.10 with 3 nos.). All vols. with sub-titles Bulletin des Cacteophiles Belges. Revue bimestrielle and Tildschrift der Belgische Cactusliefhebbers. Tweemaandelyksch Tydschrift. 68. Cactus (Kushimoto). Kushimoto (Japan): Cactus and Succulent Society of Japan, do Kosobe Flori-Cultural Station of the Tokyo University. No.88 (1954) +, quarterly up to 1957, 1958-60 bimonthly, then irregular. Last issue seen: 190 (1973). Sub-title: Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Japan. Preceded by Acta Succ. GDR. 69. Cactus (Mont St. Amaud). Bulletin bimestriel. Mont St. Amaud( F). 1 (1931) - 10 (1940). [BPH]. A-58. Cactus (Mont St. Amand) 1931 - 1941. This is not a separate journal but the same as Cactus (Gent). On the covers of some issues we read "Mont Saint-Amand Lez Gand". 70. Cactus (Paris). Organe de l'Association Française des Amateurs de Cactus et Plantes Grasses. Paris (F). 1 (1946) - 22:88 (1967), quarterly (except vols. 11-12 with 5 nos. and vols. 18-19 with 3 nos.). See Cactus (Paris) 13 (58): 8 for a list of numbers with a supplement ('Bulletin'). 71. Cactus (Regensberg). Regensberg (BRD): Ortsgruppe Regensberg, Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. '1. Sonderdruck' published 1982. No further data available. 72. Cactus (Wimegem etc). Wijnegem/Gent (B): Published jointly by Cactusweelde (B), Dodonaeus (B) and Succulenta (NL) (ed. E.van Hoofstadt, later vols. M.Matthieux and others). 8 (1976) +, monthly. Preceded by Cactus (Antwerpen etc). 73. Cact. Anjou. Cactus Anjou. Bulletin d'lnformation de la Section de l'Anjou de l'Association Francaise des Amateurs de Cactees et Plantes Grasses. 1949-1958 (= nos. 1-9; ser. nov., nos. 1-4). 74. Cact. Brugensis. Cactaceae Brugensis. (NL). Floruit 4(1982), monthly. No further data available. [Succulenta 1983, p.90]. 75. Cact. Bull. Hobbyist. Cactus Bulletin and Hobbyist. Holme (GB). No data available. [BPH]. 76. Cact. Capital Chatter. Cactus Capital Chatter. Newsletter of the Tucson Cactus and Botanical Society. Tucson (USA). 1(1965) +, quarterly. Publication suspended after vol.14 no. 3(1978), and resumed with vol. 15 no. 1 in 1982. 77. Cact. Chatter (Long Beach). Cactus Chatter. Long Beach (USA): Long Beach Cactus Club. 1 (1940/48), no further information available. 78. Cact. Chatter (Portland). Cactus Chatter. Portland (USA): Oregon Cactus and Succulent Society Newsletter. Floruit 1983. [CSSA Newslett. 1983:6.]. 79. Cact. Chiba. Cactus Chiba. Japan: Chiba Cactus Society. Floruit 1970 (Nos. 7, 10, 12) Neumann. 80. Cactus Chronicle (Los Angeles). See Los Angeles Cact Chron. 81. Cact. Chron. Cactus Chronicle.Hamilton (New Zealand): Hamilton Branch. Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand. I have only one issue. It has no volume or part number, but it is dated September 1962. A-32. Cactus Club Bulletin. See Cact. Points. 82. Cact. Comments. Cactus Comments. Newsletter of the New York Cactus and Succulent Society. Brooklyn (USA). 1 (1962) - 9 (1969/70), vol.1 with 6, later vols. with 10 issues; new series, 1 (1980)+, monthly. GDR. 83. Cact. Contact. Cactus Contact. A Journal for Connecting Cactophiles. Une Circulaire pour les relations entre Cacteophiles. Em Rundschreiben zur Verbindung von Kakteenfreunden. Pieterlen (CH): Ed. R. Hurlimann. No.1 (1954) - No.3 (1954), No.4 (June 1955), No.5 (June 1958). Each issue with 2 to 4 pp. A-2. Cact. Corner News. Cactus Corner News. Newsletter of the Fresno Cactus and Succulent Society. Fresno (USA: CA): ed. 5. Haffner. Preliminary issue no. 0 [sic!] 1983, 1(1984)+, monthly. 84. Cact. Corner (South Plympton). Cactus Corner. South Plympton (Australia): Adelaide and Country Cactus Club. 1 (1969) +, 11 issues yearly (except vol.1 with 9 issues). 85. Cact. Corner (St. Louis). Cactus Corner. St. Louis (USA): Ed. A.A.Kleinschmidt. Issued as part of the periodical Southern Florist and Gardener? [MfK 1899, p.45]. 86. Cact. Courier (Adelaide). Cactus Courier. Official Newsletter of the Adelaide and Country Cactus Club. Adelaide (Australia). Floruit 1971, monthly. Zbpf. (See also no.84.) 87. Cact. Courier (San José). Cactus Courier. San José (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose. 1 (1968) +, quarterly (monthly according to Zdpf). 88. Cact. Digest. Cactus Digest. St. Louis (USA): Henry Shaw Cactus Society. 1 (1942)+, monthly. Still published? A-56. The Cactus File. The Magazine for growers of cacti and other succulent plants. Ed. D. Neville, Cirio Publishing Services, Hythe. A4. Vol.1 No.1 May 1991 Vol 2 No 12 February 1997 Quarterly. (24 issues in all) ISSN 0962-0303 A-57. The Cactus Growers' Magazine. The Cactus Growers' Club, St. Columb, Winchester (GB). Vol.1 No.1 May 1961, pp. 1- 13, half foolscap; Vol.1 No.2 June 1961. pp 14-26. "A Magazine for the Cultivation of Cacti for Beginners". Contributions by Sir Oliver Leese and Gordon Rowley. Produced by schoolchild- ren; production ceased abruptly when the school duplicator was confiscated. 89. Cact. Grower's Mag. Cactus Grower's Magazine. Winchester (GB). 1:1-2 (1961). A schoolboy production of limited circulation. GDR. 90. Cact. Hokuriku. Cactus Hokuriku. Journal of the Ishikawa Prefecture Club. (Japan). Only no.1 (1957/58) seen. GDR. 91. Cact. J. (Croydon). Cactus Journal. Croydon (GB): Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain. 1 (1932/33) - 8:2 (1939), quarterly. Reprinted in 2 vols. (vols. 1-4, vols. 5-8, incl. nos. 3-4 publ. 1946) in 1967 by S.R.Publ. Ltd. and the Johnson Reprint Corp. Continued as Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. in 1946 with 8:3. 92. Cact. J. (London). Cactus Journal. London (GB): Ed. 'F.A.Walton. 1 (1898/99) - 2 (1899/1900), monthly. 93. Cact. Kanagawa. Cactus Kanagawa. Kanagawa (Japan): Kanagawa Cactus Club. 1 (1958) + (only nos. 1-7 (1958) seen). GDR. 94. Cact. Kenkyu. Cactus Kenkyu. Tokyo (Japan). 1954-1956, monthly (?). [CactuslParis) 13(58): 8]. 95. Cact. Kyushu. Cactus Kyushu. Kyushu (Japan): Kyushu Cactus Club. Nos. 1-2 (1956), no.3 (1957), nos. 4-5 (1959), nos. 6-7?, no. 8 (1959), nos. 9-11?, nos. 12-13 (1960), no. 14 (1961), no. 15 (1962)+, yearly. Issues numbered consecutively. Neumann 1:19. 96. Cactus Needle. Tucson (USA). 1920-1923. A small journal of a local sanatorium and not dealing with succulents ('devoted to the interests of the fight against tuberculosis'). GDR. 97. Cact. News Reel. Cactus News Reel. Te Awamutu (New Zealand). 1 (1959). No further data available. 98. Cactus Newspaper. See Cactophiles Cactivities. 99. Cact. Pl. Grasses. Cactus et Plantes Grasses. Rouen (F): Societe Normande d'Amateurs de Cactees. 1 (1951) - 9 (1954). No further data available.
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