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List of Periodicals Devoted to Succulent Plants (400-480)![]() [ HOME ] [ 1 - 99 ] [ 100 -199 ] [ 200 - 299 ] [ 300 - 399 ] [ 400 - 480 ] 400. Sempervivum Society Journal. See J. Sempervivum Soc. A-20. Sempervivum Year Book. Burgess Hill (GBY: Sempervivum Society, ed. P. Mitchell. 1974+. Published irregularly 1974, 1975, 1977 (titled "Year Book, Sempervivum Society"), 1978, 1979/80 (publ. 1981), 1978+ titled "The Sempervivum Society Yearbook" Ceased ? 401. Senyukai-Kaiho. Journal of the Osaka Cactus Club. Osaka (Japan). 1 (1956)+, monthly. Data incomplete. Issues No. 1, 5-29 (1956-58) seen. GDR. 402. Shaboten (Cact. Succ. Soc. Japan). Nagoya City (Japan): Cactus and Succulent Society of Japan. No. 36 (1937) - No. 69 (1940), monthly. Preceded by Shaboten (Shaboten Sha), fo llowed by Acta Succ. 403. Shaboten (Hokuriku). See Cact. Kokuriku. 404. Shaboten (Kanagawa). See Cact. Kanagawa. 405. Shaboten (Kohaen Nursery). Nagoya City (Japan): Kohaen Nursery led. M. Sueo Sanol. No. 1 (1934) - No.21 (1936), monthly. Followed by Shaboten (Shaboten Sha). 406. Shaboten (Kushimoto). See Cactus (Kushimoto). 407. Shaboten (Kyushu). See Cact. Kyushu. 408. Shaboten (Shaboten Sha). Nagoya City (Japan): Shaboten Sha led. M. Sueo Sano). No.22 (1936) - No.35 (1937), monthly. Preceded by Shaboten (Kohaen Nursery), followed by Shaboten (Cact. Succ. Soc. Japan). 409. Shaboten (Tokyo). See Cact. Tokyo. 410. Shaboten (Toyama). See Cact. Toyama. 411. Shaboten (Zushi). Zushi (Japan): Shaboten Sha, ed. H.Hirao. No.1 (1955)+, bimonthly. Up to No.41 (1963) incl. published in Tokyo by Shaboten Sha. Later Nos. irregular. Last no. seen: No. 99 (1980). GDR. 412, Shaboten Gumma. Cactus and Succulent Journal of the Gumma Cactus Club. Gumma (Japan). 1 (1958)+, data incomplete. Only Nos. 1-10 seen. GDR. 413. Shaboten Kenkyu. See Cact. Kenkyu. 414. Shaboten no Kenkyu. Osaka (Japan): Kochoen Nursery. Floruit 4:6 (1933), probably monthly. Sub-title: Study of Cacti. A precursor of Shaboten (Kohaen Nursery) ? GDR. 415. Shaboten Newslett. Shaboten Newsletter. (Japan): published by ? Single issue seen dated 15.12.1957. GDR. 416. Shaboten Sha. Tokyo (Japan): Tokyo Cactus Club. No.1 (Oct. 1953) - No.15 (Aug.1957). Nos. 1-5 with the sub-title Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Club of Tokyo. Probably followed by Cact. Tokyo. 417. Sharon Cact. Guide. Sharon Cactus Guide. Sharon (USA): Ed. F.W.Heinz. 8 monthly parts with separate pagination, totalling to 64 pp., issued between Oct. 1896 and May 1897. See CSJA 55(6): 255 (1983). Preceded by Baltimore Cact. J. A-87. Sheffield Branch Newsletter - Sheffield (GB): Sheffield Branch, NCSS. Quarterly: no volumation; A4 mimeographed. Seen: only 1979-1985. 418. Shiwalik Cact. Succ. Soc. Shiwalik Cactus and Succulent Society. Hoshiarpur (India). 1 (1981) +, quarterly. Last issue seen: 2:1 (1982). GDR. 419. Shrewsbury Branch Newslett. Shrewsbury Branch Newsletter. Shrewsbury (GB): Shrewsbury Branch, NCSS. 1 (1971) +, data incomplete. 420. South African Succ. Pl. Soc. South African Succulent Plants Society. Cape Town (RSA). 1932-1938, various pamphlets without other title than the society's name. GDR. A-46. South West Essex Branch Newslett. South West Essex Branch Newsletter. S.W.Essex Branch, National Cact. Succ. Soc., U.K. 19..?-1952. Monthly. Ceased publication when Branch dissolved in Dec. 1952. A-47. Southampton District Branch Newslett. Southampton and District Branch Newsletter. Southampton & Distr. Branch, National Cact. Succ. Soc., U.K. 19..? 1 have only Oct. 1965-May 1966, but not to hand for further details. A-88. Southampton & District Branch Newsletter - Southampton (GB): Southampton & District Branch, NCSS. Monthly; first seen Oct. 1965; last seen Feb. 1975. Foolscap; no volumation or part numbers. A-48. Southern News. See Southern Spine. 421. Southern Spine. Newsletter of the Associated Southern Clubs of the Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand. Camaru (New Zealand). 1959-1979. 11 issues yearly, later vols. with 4-6 issues only. The first issue was entitled The Sauthern News. Publication ceased with vol. 19 (1977-9). Several double issues appeared in later volumes and vol. 19 comprised: no. 1 (Aug.1977), 2 (Sep.-Oct. 1977), 3 (Nov.1977- Jan.1978), 4 (Feb.-Mar. 1978), 5 (to May 1979). 422. Spasmodic Monthly. Barstow (USA): Mojave Desert Cactus Club. 1965-1972. Dated, but no volume or part numbers. Monthly, Jan. 1965-Aug. 1972, (except for Apr., May 1968, Apr., May, Jul., Sep.-Dec. 1969, Jun. 1970, Feb., Jun., Sep.1971, May-Jul. 1972.) 423. Spinal Column (Detroit). Bulletin of the Detroit Cactus and Succulent Society. Detroit (USA). 1946-1950, without volumation, no data on number of issues available. 1956+, 10-11 issues yearly, without volumation. Later vols. (i.e. 1982-83) published by the Michigan Cactus and Succulent Society. GDR. 424. Spinal Column (Englewood). Englewood (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of New Jersey. 1 (1961/62) - 7 (1967/58), 9 issues per vol. Followed by Succ. J. 425. Spine. Melbourne (Australia): Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia. 1 (1948), 2 (1953) - 6 (1957), no data on number of issues; 7 (1958) - 10 (1961), quarterly; 11 (1962/63), 6 issues; 12 (1963/64)+, quarterly. For 1949-1952 see Bull Cact. Succ. Soc. Australia. 426. Spine (Southern). See Southern Spine. 427. Spine Spiel. Denver (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of Denver. 1 (1948) - 5 (1951/52) (vol. 1 with 9 issues, vols. 2 and 4 monthly, vol.3 and vol.5 with 11 issues). GDR. Various sub-titles have been in use with some issues: Colorado's Cactus Journal and Succulent Bulletin, Cactus Talk for Cactophiles or Cuttings and Clippings for Cactuslovers. 428. Spines and Glochids. San Fernando (USA): San Fernando Valley Cactus and Succulent Society. 1 (1934/35) 2(1935/36). No data on no. of issues available. 429. Spinette. Melbourne (Australia): Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia. 1 (1968)+, monthly. 430. Spiny Tips. Bedford (USA): Midwest Cactus and Succulent Society. 1 (1940) - 2 (1949). No data on no. of issues available. 431. Spires and Spines. Cubbington (GB): Coventry Branch, NCSS. 1 (1961/62), monthly (15 issues published in total). Nos. 1-9 published without title. 432. Stachelpost. Mitteilungsblatter fur Kakteenfreunde. Mainz Klosterheim (BRD): Ed.G.Kilian. 1 (1964) - 4 (1967), quarterly; 5 (1968) - 10 (1974), bimonthly. Issues numbered consecutively. Last issue published is 10:51 (1974). Vol. 1:1-4 reprinted in abridged version in December 1958. 433. Study of Cacti (Osaka). See Shaboten no Kenkyu. 434. Study of Cacti (Kanagawaken). Yamatosi (Japan): Desert Plant Society of Japan, Yamatosi, Kanagawaken. 1 (1955) - 3 (1957), monthly; 4 (1958), 9 issues; 5 (1959), 3 issues; No. 46 (1965) +, monthly. Last issue seen: No.54 (1966). GDR. Also titled Journal of the Amateur Cactus Group of Japan (as sub-title). A-21. Succeltje. ,t Succeltje. Gouda (NL): Succulenta afd. Gouda. 1(1976)+, each vol. with 10,11 or 12 issues. 435. Succulent [etc]. See Succ. [etc].. 436. Succulent. Japan. Succulent Society of Japan. Floruit No. 2, 19?? A-49.Succulent Plant Institute Newsletter. See no. 449 below. 437. Succulenta. Maandblad van de Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging van Liefhebbers van Cactussen en andere Vetplanten. Div. loc.(NL). 1 (1919) - 23 (1941), monthly; 24 (1942), 11 issues; 25 (1943), 4 issues; 1947-1956, bimonthly, volumation not indicated; 1957-1963, monthly, volumation not indicated; 43 (1964) +, monthly. 438. Succulenta (India). Ludhiana(lndia): Indian Succulent Society. 1 (1975)-4(1978), 2 issues yearly. BCSS. 439. Succulenta[i]um [etc]. See Succ. [etc]. 440. Succulentenkunde. Maandblad gewid aan de studie, het verzamelen en kweeken van succulente planten. Voorburg (NL): Ed. J.J.Verbeek Wolthuys. 1931, 2 issues published only. 441. Succulentenland. Tijdschrift van de Afdeeling Ijsselstreek van Succulenta. Zutphen/ Lochem (NL) Afdeeling Ijsselstreek van Succulenta. 1 (1976) + (only No.4 (1976) seen). 442. Succulentes. Div. loc.(F): Association Francophone des Amateurs des Plantes Grasses (name later changed to 'Association International des Amateurs des Plantes Grasses'). Ser. 1, No. 1 (1977), No.2 (1977), No.3 (1978), No.4 (1978), given as No.4 on cover, as No. 2 on title page). Ser. 2, Nos. 1-4(1979), Nos. 1-4(1980). Ser. 3, Nos. 1-3 (1981), No.4 (1981, pub). 1982). Following without indication of series: No.1 (1982, dated and published 1983), Nos. 2-4 (1982, pub). 1983). Special number 1983 (pub). 1984). Nos. 1, 2 (1984, pub). 1985). 443. Succ. Bibliogr. Succulentarum Bibliographia. Oakland (USA): Ed. D.Naumann. 1 (1971) - 4 (1974), 4 issues per volume. 444. Succulentarium Hungaricum. See Kaktusz Vilag. 445. Succ. Jappon. Succulentarum Japponia. Tokyo (Japan): Japanese Section of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Study (lOS). 1 (1968)+, bimonthly, later irregular. BCSS. GDR. 446. Succ. J. Succulent Journal. Englewood (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of New Jersey. 8(1969/70) +, 9 issues per vol. Preceded by Spinal Column (Englewood). 447. Succ. J. (Japan). Succulent Journal. Japan: Succulent Society of Japan. Floruit No.175, 1981. Neumann. 448. Succ. Plant Club Newslett. Succulent Plant Club Newsletter. Southburgh (GB): Ed. V.Graham. 1977, Nos. 1, 2 published only, without volumation. Continued as Xerophyte. 449. Succ. Plant Trust Newslett. Succulent Plant Trust Newsletter. (GB): Succulent Plant Trust. 1 (1962) +, 3 issues yearly. [CSJGB 44: 24]. Nos. 1 (July 1962) to 44 (Nov.1977) entitled The Succulent Plant Institute Newsletter. 450. Succ. Scene. Succulent Scene. Burgess Hill(GB): Ed. P. Mitchell. 1 (1981)+, irregular (only 1 issue published so far). 451. Sukkulentenkunde. Jahrbücher der Schweizerischen Kakteengesellschaft. Zurich (CH). Ed. H.Krainz. Nos. 1 (1947), 2 (1948), 3 (1949), 4 (1951), 5 (1954), 6 (1957), 7/8 (1963). 452. Sussex Cact. Succ. Yearb. Sussex Cactus and Succulent Yearbook. (GB): Sussex Zone NCSS. 1971-1975, yearly; 1976/77+ every other year. 453. Swiat Kaktusow. Warsaw (Poland): Czasopimo Tow, Przyjaciot Kaktusow Warsaw. 1935-1939, no data on volumation and no. of issues available. Publication resumed under the same name: Warsaw (Poland): Polskie Towarzystwo Milosnikow Kaktusow. 1 (1966) +, first issue only with volumation, then issues unnumbered, 1 to several per year. 1958 one issue each titled 'lnformacja', 'Sprawozdanie' and 'Informator', 1969 with 1 regular and 1 Symposium issue ('II Walny Zjazd I Sympozjum 69'); issues for 1970 titled Swiecie Kaktusow and O Kaktusach. 1971 another yearly vol., 1973+ half-yearly. Last issue seen: 1979. 454. Swiecie Kaktusow. See Swiat Kaktusow. 455. Syaboten is a spelling variant in the transliteration of Shaboten. 456. Talekoztatola. See Csili. 457. Teesside Branch Rev. Teesside Branch Review. Teesside (GB): Teesside Branch, NCSS. 1971+, no data on volumation and no. of issues available. A-89. Teesside Branch NCSS Review. - Saltburn (GB): Teesside Branch, NCSS. 1970-1971: 3 issues only. 1972-74: None. 1975- 1978: 2 to 3 issues a year, beginning with No.4 March 1975; a final issue (No.13) c. 1982. No volumation; A4 mimeographed. Last seen: March 1977, and 2lst. Anniversary issue (43 pp.) 1979. 458. Tijdschrift van den Afdeeling Ijsselstreek van Succulenta. See Succulentenland. 459. Tildschrift der Belgische Cactusliefhebbers. See Cactus (Gent). 460. Tijdschr. mt. Succ.-Liefhebb. Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Succulentenliefhebbers, Antwerpen (B): Cactusweelde Belgium; & Den Haag (NL): Succulenta. 1 (1967) - 2 (1968), monthly. Preceded by Cactusweelde, followed by Dutch ed. of Cactus (Antwerpen, etc). 461. Tidschrift voor Liefhebbers von Cactussen en andere Succulen ten. See Cactus (Antwerpen etc). A-22. Toronto Cact. Succ. Club Newsleff. Toronto Cactus and Succulent Club Newsletter. Toronto (Canada). FI. 1983+ (1983 published with 8 issues). A-23. Transplant. The Transplant. Newsletter of the Central Arkansas Cactus and Succulent Society. ? (USA). FI. 1985 (see CSSA Newslett. 1985, p. 85). 462. Tydskrff van die Suid Afrikaanse Aalwyn- en Vetplantvereniging. See Aloe. 463. Veröffentichungen der Fachgruppe andere Sukkulenten. See FaS. 464. Vestnik [Klubu Kaktusaru Praha]. Praha (CSSR). 1970+, bimonthly, then irregular. Vol.1 with 9 issues. Probably preceded by Vestnik Kroyzku Kaktusaru. Not confirmed by Zavadil. 465. Vestnik Krouzku Kaktusaru. Praha (CSSR). 4 (1956) - 12 (1964), 10 issues yearly. Preceded by Obeznik Krouzku Kaktusaru, followed by Kaktusy Krouzku Kaktusaru. 466. VKW-Mitt. VKW-Mitteilungen. Stuttgart (BRD): Vereinigung der Kakteenfreunde Würtembergs. 1 (1962) - 8 (1969), bimonthly. Continued as part of Stachelpost. A-24. Vjesnik. Drustvo Prijatelja Cvijeca i Zelenila Zagreb, Sekcija Kaktusara. Zagreb (YU). FI. 2(1978)+ ?. [Translated title: Newsletter, Association of the Friends of Plants and Flowers of Zagreb, Cactus Section.J] 467. Wagga Wagga Cactus News. See Four C's. 468. Walton Hersham Newslett. Walton Hersham Newsletter. Yateley (GB). Floruit 1972, monthly. Zbpf. A-50. Wellington Cact. News and Views. Wellington Cactus News and Views. Wellington Branch, Cact. Succ. Soc. New Zealand. 1959+ Monthly. Numbered consecutively. Last recd no. 39 (Nov.1962). Still published? 468a. Welwitschia. Friends of Cacti Society of Slovenia (ISSN 1408-5984) April 1998 + Four issues published per annum, in March, June, September and December. 469. Xerophyte. Southburgh (GB): Ed. V.Graham. 1 (1978)+, quarterly. Preceded by Succ. Plant Club Newslett. 470. Yearbook (Southampton). See Cact. Succ. Year Book. 471. Yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society. See Bradleya. 472. Yearbook of the Cactus and Succulent Journal (U.S.). See Cact. Succ. J. (US). 473. Yorkshire Cactus Journal. See Nat. Cact. Succ. J. 474. ZAG. See lnf. -Brief ZAG Echinopseen, Inf.-Brief ZAG Mammillaria, Inf. -Brief ZAG And. Sukk., or Arbeitsmater. ZAG Echinopseen. 475. Zeitschrift fur Notokakteenliebhaber. See Internoto. 476. Zeitschr. Sukk.-Kunde. Zeitschrift für Sukkulentenkunde. Berlin (D): Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. 1 (1923) - 6 (1928), 8 issues yearly. Preceded by Monatsschr. Kakt.-Kunde, followed by Monatsschr. Deutsche Kakt. - Ges. 477. Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft See lnf. -Brief ZAG Echinopseen, Inf.-Brief ZAG Mammillaria, Inf. -Brief ZAG And. Sukk., or Arbeitsmater. ZAG Echinopseen. A-51. Zone 6 News. Zone 6 Branches, National Cact. Succ. Soc., U.K. 1974+ Twice yearly from June 1974to 1980, annually from 1981, numbered consecutively. Last recd no. 16 (1982). Still published? 478. Zonemag Newslett. Zonemag Newsletter. Chatham (GB): published for Zone 14 of NCSS. 1970+ Bimonthly from June 1970. 479. Zpravodaj Sekce Mexikofilu. Praha (CSSR): Mexican Study Group, Kaktusaru Praha. 1971+, data on volumation and no. of issues not available. 480. Zpravy. Ceskoslovenske Kaktusarske Spolecnosti. Praha/ Brno (CSSR). 1946, 4 issues; 1947, 5 issues. Preceded and followed by Kakt. Listy.
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