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Angolluma baldratii
Wadi Salul, Mukeiras,
Yemen Lav 30810 |

Angolluma laikipiensis
50km N. of Rumuruti, Kenya
DP8143B, ex Plowes |

Angolluma laticorona
ex Plowes DP7944D, Weleneniti,
23km NE of Nazaret, Ethiopia (24mm) |

Angolluma sprengeri
ex Plowes DP8274D
Axum, Tigre, Ethiopia |

Angolluma subterranea
Ex Plowes DP7933D
Olepolos, 30k SW of Nairobi, Kenya |

Angolluma vibratilis
Ex Plowes DP8152
50k N of Rumuruti, Kenya |

Caralluma adscendens v.carinata
ex Plowes, DP7893, ex Gandhi Marudamalu, nr. Nagercoil, India |

Caralluma adscendens v.carinata
ex Plowes, DP7893, ex Gandhi Marudamalu, nr. Nagercoil, India |

Caralluma arachnoidea
ex Linden, SL852005A N. end of Lake Bogoria, Kenya |

Caralluma arachnoidea ssp.arachnoidea
ex Plowes, DP 8152, ex Powys Galana Ranch, 100k NW Malindi, Kenya |

Caralluma awdeliana
ex Lavranos, Lav30792
Johayn Flats, NE of Shuqra, Yemen |

Caralluma bhupinderiana
ex Gandhi, Pallyamkottai-Tuticorin Road,
Tamil Nadu, India. (13mm) [D1] |
The names given are those given by the donor, as there is still controversy as to the status of many of the names.
In giving the data, 'ex' means that the plant was received from the person whose name follows. If there is a second 'ex', it means that the person
who sent it to me had received it from the person whose name follows the second 'ex'. Ex hort means that there is no information on this clone and
that it was received from material that is in the general horticultural trade. The number in parentheses at the end of the data is the diameter of the
widest measurement of a single flower in millimeters. |
Copyright G S Barad, no reproduction without permission of the author.