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Desmidorchis retrospiciens
40K WSW of Keren, Eritrea, ex Plowes DP8250 (110mm) |

Desmidorchis retrospiciens, close-up
40K WSW of Keren, Eritrea, ex Plowes DP8250 |

Duvalia caespitosa compacta
ex Lavranos Zandkraal, Van Rhynsdorp, Cape |

Duvalia corderoyi
ex Van Zanten 088 no data, 11553 |

Duvalia corderoyi
Barad sedling of artificially pollinated parents 39-90 |

Duvalia eilensis
Collected by Barad
at Eil Airstrip, Somalia |

Duvalia elegans
ex DeKock, D1781, Milkhout, Drew, SA (15mm) [D1] |

Duvalia parviflora
ex C & J Nursery, no data, (13mm) |

Duvalia pillansii
ex Lavranos
Hankey, Cape, S.A. |

Duvalia somalensis
ex A.Butler, ex Plowes DP7954
Ali Sabieh, Dijbouti (30mm) |

Duvalia sulcata
Received as seed from Orlando
GO71913 Rd from Lawdar to Shuqrah | |
The names given are those given by the donor, as there is still controversy as to the status of many of the names.
In giving the data, 'ex' means that the plant was received from the person whose name follows. If there is a second 'ex', it means that the person
who sent it to me had received it from the person whose name follows the second 'ex'. Ex hort means that there is no information on this clone and
that it was received from material that is in the general horticultural trade. The number in parentheses at the end of the data is the diameter of the
widest measurement of a single flower in millimeters. |
Copyright G S Barad, no reproduction without permission of the author.