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Huernia somalica seed raised Barad plant from cross of two habitat plants |

Huernia thuretii ex Plowes DP4622, Karoo Garden 3/72
Kaffirdrift, 40k SE of Grahamstown, Cap, South Africa |

Huernia urceolata seed grown by Barad
seed ex Lavranos, ex Hardy
collected on Kaokoveld, SA |

Huernia vereckeri PVB 2125 Setsumbwe, ex S.Hammer |

Huernia whitesloaneana ex Lavranos, sn Zoutpansberg, Transvaal, South Africa |

Huernia yemenensis ex Pehleman, ex Lav 16261
foot of Sumara pass, Yemen 11033 |

Huernia zebrina magniflora x Duvalia velutina Barad hybrid 54-96 |

Huernia zebrina x Duvalia corderoyi Barad Hybrid, 210-88 |

Huernianthus 'Alexis' a Barad hybrid between Huernia longituba and Stapelianthus keraudrenae, named in
honor of my grand-daughter, Alexis Barad |
The names given are those given by the donor, as there is still controversy as to the status of many of the names.
In giving the data, 'ex' means that the plant was received from the person whose name follows. If there is a second 'ex', it means that the person
who sent it to me had received it from the person whose name follows the second 'ex'. Ex hort means that there is no information on this clone and
that it was received from material that is in the general horticultural trade. |
Copyright G S Barad, no reproduction without permission of the author.